Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Novel available on!

Yes. My baby (other baby) is out and about interacting with the world!
My very own Jeremy Chikalto, who was once a hand-crafted paper doll crumpled between my child fingers, is now a Book Mr.!

A Book Mr. Hmm, yes that's his title. Not to be read, "is now a book, Mr!" No, he is now an exalted Book Mr.

It's late. What can I say? I probably need to go to sleep...

Anyway, so "Jeremy Chikalto and the Hazy Souls" (Book 1 of the Hazy Souls) is now available!

Print copy is on
Kindle version on

And you can also get the e-book version on Smashwords, in multiple formats:

Soon it should be available for direct purchase at Barnes & Nobles and Borders!

I need herbal tea.

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